Apex Dynamics is expanding its series planetary gearboxes with the types of AH and AHK: a Heavy Duty flange gearbox with a backlash of less than 1 arcminute, ratios up to 10,000: 1 and nominal torques up to approx. 11,000 Nm.

The series AH (coaxial) and AHK (with hypoid stage) is completely new developed with 30 years of experience in gearbox business. The gearboxes are available as 1, 2, 3, and 4-stage execution and have an ISO9409 output flange. Optional, a mountable flange-shaft can be giving you an output shaft.

The AH(K) series complements the high-end planetary AD series (with stainless steel housing and output shaft) and medium end PD series (with steel/ALU housing and spur gear) to. All these gearboxes have ISO 9409 output flanges.

As target markets ; Robotics, Automation and Offshore are considered. More information can be found at the product pages of our website:

AH Series
AHK Series
AHKA Series
AHKB Series
AHK Series (4-traps)
AHKC Series